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Customer Service Agreement
- Not a Medical Device. The AcuSleep testing system is not a medical device.
It does not diagnose any disease. It is not a breathing monitor.
It has not been reviewed by the FDA or any other government agency.
- Use of Equipment. The customer agrees to use the AcuSleep system for its intended use,
and to follow the AcuSleep Safety Checklist and
Instructions for Use at all times when using the AcuSleep equipment.
- Property of AcuSleep: With the exception of the WristyTM,
all parts provided in the AcuSleep testing package are and remain the property of AcuSleep.
The customer is expected to return these package components to Acusleep in good working order.
- Security Charge:
Depending on payment method, a security deposit and/or charge may be applied.
We do this to encourage return of the testing package in a reasonable amount of time, since
every day a testing package sits unused at a customer's home is a day we cannot offer the package to another customer.
Details follow.
- Return Time Limit: You must return-mail the testing package (with the exception of the Wristy)
to AcuSleep within 7 days of your receiving it. The date you received the package is communicated to us by the
delivery confirmation service
of the US Postal Service.
We use the date of the return-mail postmark to determine when you returned the package.
AcuSleep provides you a return mailer with the initial shipment for this purpose.
- Maximum Security Amount: The maximum security amount is $300.
- Daily Overdue Charge: The daily overdue charge is $20.
- For Customers Paying By Credit Card:
At the time you order an AcuSleep test, we will submit a credit card authorization for the Maximum Security Amount.
We will not charge anything against this authorization until the Return Time Limit has passed.
At that point we will begin charging your credit card the Daily Overdue Charge each day.
We will stop charging as soon as (a) the testing package returns to us or (b) the
combined total of all the daily overdue charges reaches the Maximum Security Amount.
When AcuSleep receives the testing kit, we will make adjustments as noted in the "Adjustments" paragraph below.
- For Customers Paying in Person By Check:
At the time you order an AcuSleep testing kit we will ask for a check in the Maximum Security Amount as a refundable deposit.
This check will be held until the Return Time Limit has passed, at which time we will deposit the check.
When AcuSleep receives the testing kit, we will make adjustments as noted in the "Adjustments" paragraph below.
- For Customers Paying in Person By Cash:
At the time you order an AcuSleep testing kit we will ask for cash in the Maximum Security Amount as a refundable deposit.
When AcuSleep receives the testing kit, we will make adjustments as noted in the "Adjustments" paragraph below.
- Adjustments:
When AcuSleep receives the testing kit back from you, we will determine the number of days it took you to return it, as defined above.
We will then determine the total amount of overdue charges you owe us (if any), by multiplying this number of days by the Daily Overdue Charge.
If we have charged your credit card more overdue charges than the overdue charge you owe
(this can happen because of the time the kit was in transit in the mail),
we will refund the overcharge to you on your credit card.
If you paid by cash or check, we will calculate the difference between your deposit and the amount owed in overdue charges (if any), and
send this difference to you in the form of an AcuSleep check within 10 days of the postmarked date of return.
- Test Refund Policy. If for any reason the test is not successful or is not completed by the customer, the customer may request either a retest or a full refund. Requests for refunds will be processed within 10 days of receipt.
- Interpretation: AcuSleep cannot help you interpret the results
of your test beyond the report you receive.
We strongly recommend you discuss questions with a physician or other qualified health care provider.
- Duplicate Reports: For protection of your privacy, if you order
a duplicate report or CD-ROM after we have mailed out your originals,
we will require you to furnish your original credit card information as an authentication.