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Follow these common-sense precautions during AcuSleep testing:
- Adhesive is used on the sensor and on tape strips (on the cable).
- The adhesive may cause skin irritation during or after the test.
- If there is hair where the adhesive is applied, some or all of this hair may be lost when the adhesive component is removed.
- Be sure to tape down the cable as directed by the instructions. To further minimize any strangulation hazard, we also recommend donning a night-shirt after the testing equipment has been attached to the body.
Do not administer an AcuSleep test if the test subject:
- Is less than four (4) years of age, or
- Has sensitive skin on or near the neck, or
- Has an open wound or other abnormality at or near the neck, or
- Is at risk to swallow any component of the AcuSleep system.
Also note:
- CPAP or oxygen systems may interfere.
At this time we recommend against performing an AcuSleep test while a person is simultaneously wearing an
air- or oxygen-delivery system. This includes
CPAP, BiPAP, and related systems,
as well as oxygen delivered by nasal prongs. These systems make noise that can interfere with functions
of the current AcuSleep test.
- Not a Medical Device. The AcuSleep testing system is not a medical device.
It does not diagnose any disease. It is not a breathing monitor.
It has not been reviewed by the FDA or any other government agency.
- Customer Service Agreement.
The Customer Service Agreement contains additional
helpful information about AcuSleep testing.
References and Notes