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Next PagePrevious Page Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Snoring

Sleep disturbances in children can cause behavior very similar to attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

According to one expert:

"Inattention and hyperactivity are described as important symptoms or consequences of sleep-disordered breathing in current sleep textbooks, review articles, national academy courses, and American Academy of Pediatrics literature reviews and clinical practice guidelines."

Children with ADHD present 3 major types of sleep disturbances:

  • Delayed sleep onset
    (could be related to hyperactivity or to limit-setting difficulties);
  • Snoring
    (was 7-fold more frequent than in a general pediatric population, suggesting that sleep-disordered breathing may be playing a role);
  • Restless sleep

It is still unclear how bad sleep disruption must be before ADHD-like symptoms appear. In particular, it is not known if snoring without sleep apnea can produce the symptoms.

Nevertheless, one authority has concluded:

"An assessment of sleep patterns and possible sleep problems should be part of the evaluation of every child presenting with behavioral and/or academic problems, especially Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)."

References and Notes Alternate index terms: snoring and attention deficit disorder, snoring and ADD, snoring and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, snoring and hyperactivity.

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