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If not detected and treated early, serious snoring can permanently harm a child.

For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics declared that "all children should be screened for snoring."

We recommend AcuSleep testing to screen for snoring in these cases:

  • When a child is struggling in school for no clear reason.
  • When a child is difficult to manage for no clear reason.
  • When parents believe snoring is not a problem for their child, but, because of the huge potential impact, want to be sure their child is snore-free ALL night.
  • When a child snores and parents want more complete information before deciding what to do.
  • When parents want to provide the best possible snoring data to the pediatrician, so he or she can make the best possible decisions.
There are several dangerous myths about snoring in childhood:
Myth #1:Snoring is harmless.
Myth #2:A good parent can tell how much their child snores.
Myth #3:The pediatrician will raise the topic.
Myth #4:Waiting for a child to "grow out of" their snoring is OK.
Your child could pay a price if you believe these myths.
Details are below.

The accurate, affordable, easy-to-use AcuSleep system is simply the best way to assess snoring in children or adults.

Myth #1: Snoring is harmless
Snoring in children is always abnormal and sometimes harmful.

Severe childhood snoring has been linked to problems such as learning difficulties, behavior difficulties, attention deficit, and hyperactivity.

Snoring's negative effects can last a lifetime.

Myth #2: A good parent can tell how much their child snores
Snoring comes and goes during the night -- all night.

A pediatric sleep expert states: "Unless parents stay up or wake up to observe their child during the second half of the night, they may be unaware of the severity of their child's [sleep breathing problems]."

Myth #3: The pediatrician will raise the topic
At least 75% of pediatricians are not screening for snoring properly.

The most common reason pediatricians give for not screening children for sleep problems is that they believe parents will themselves raise the issue if there is a problem, without being asked.

The lesson is clear: parents must take the lead.

Myth #4: Waiting for a child to "grow out of" their snoring is OK
Early recognition and treatment are important.

Snoring may indeed vanish after a time, but the damage can be permanent.

Every night a child snores is another night the child falls further behind in life.

References and Notes
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